Join the Club

It may be the off season but the volunteer work doesn’t stop. Since the last round ended, various folks have

  • Finalized season points
  • Hosted rules committee to consider and incorporate rule proposals
  • Worked to find equipment such as new radios, batteries, for next season
  • Planned the WMRRA Awards Banquet
  • Opened 2022 License Registration
  • Released the 2022 Rulebook
  • Planning the 2022 Novice Racer School (NRS) - look for an announcement soon!

While a lot of people volunteer with WMRRA, we could always use more folks to step up and help out. It takes a lot of people to make our club work. Like most non-profit organizations: you get what you put in.

To make it easier to know what opportunities exist, one of our volunteer website maintainers, Anna Piechowski put together a new volunteer portal that advertises some of the opportunities that exist to help contribute to our club.

If you think an opportunity was missed, or you have a way you can contribute to the club that isn’t listed, reach out to either Cliff (president@wmrra.com), Colt (1stVP@wmrra.com), or Chris (2ndVP@wmrra.com). There is always room for another volunteer.

Chris Wilcox. 2nd VP, WMRRA